A Pet Story From My DISTANT Past!
Virtually all Americans have some form of pet or another, most have dogs and cats. To this end, I wanted to write a blog or two about funny pet stories from my history with pets. The funniest stories involve a cat named "Daisy" that we got when I was about 10 years old. Sit back, and enjoy Daisy story numero uno!
When we relocated to New Jersey from Upstate New York we would travel from Jersey to our little cottage on Lake Ontario during the summer months, and we would always bring our cat Daisy- always to her objection, atleast while we were in a car!
Cats don't seem to travel well, atleast every cat that my family owned never handled travelling well. Typical cat travel response seemed to include severe panting, incessant pained meowing, and odd stress behaviors. The latter, odd stress behaviors, is where this amusing story springs from..
During one of our travels to the cottage with my mom, sister, and the aforementioned Daisy the cat, most of the trip was spent with Daisy typically freaked out-- panting like she hadn't had water in days and just swallowed a bag of cotton balls, as well as the typical meowing and crawling on the dashboard. The usual crazy cat travel behavior for driving miss Daisy!
Halfway into the trip Daisy intertwined herself in the steering wheel right as my mom was making a turn- rooooooound and round went Daisy, sideways then upside down like a kid out of control on a playground ride! Well, we thought that was histerical enough watching a cat twisted up and around on a steering wheel, but what happened next freaked us right out..
After my mom extricated Daisy from her steering wheel trap, and tossed her onto the passenger seat, my sister and I noticed a little present that Daisy left behind on the steering wheel- a moving little present in the form of a worm!!! Yep, a living, creeping, crawling worm was now inching it's way around the steering wheel! My mom almost jerked the car off the road at 63 MPH following the simultaneous shrieks and laughter of my sister and I who first spotted Willy the creeper worm. As the little worm vigorously inched along the steering wheel, probably in hot pursuit of a new host to latch onto since the steering wheel jarred it loose from Daisy, my mom grabbed a Kleenex and scraped off the offending worm (tapeworm I do believe!) and tossed it in a Wendy's food bag.
Whaaaaaaaat the hell!?! My sister and I spent the next hour and a half in hysterics laughing about not only the "creeper" tapeworm as we dubbed it, but the steering wheel rodeo that shook that sucker from Daisy's bowels! Oh man, what comedic material for a bunch of kids, it was nuts.
We did take Daisy to the vet and got medicine to eradicate any remaining worm copilots that were crawling about her intestinal tract, and she lived happily ever after for another 10 years or so. Shortly after the "creeper" incident was a very amusing Dramamine incident which I will reveal in a forthcoming blog that my sister and I in outright hysterics, sadly at Daisy's expense (again, all ended well!).
Every once in awhile when reminiscing about pets from the past, the "creeper" story invariably comes up, and my sister and I both get a laugh. Pets are always good for some amusing times, especially if creeper worms pop out of their body following a steering wheel Shiatsu massage!
Cheers to funny pet stories,
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